
Complaints Procedure



Practice complaints procedure


If you have a complaint or are concerned about the Health Service treatment you have received from the Doctors or any of the staff working in this practice, please let us know.  We operate a practice complaint procedure to deal with complaints, which meet the criteria agreed for the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care.  It does not cover services provided under a private arrangement between the practice and a patient.


How to complain


We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, often at the time they may arise and with the persons concerned.  If your problem can not be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, let us know as soon as possible ideally, within a matter of days this will help us to find out what happened more easily.


You can make your complaint in the way that best suits you.  This can be face to face, on the telephone, in a letter or by email.  You should try to provide us with details of:

  • How to contact you
  • Who or what you are complaining about
  • Where and when the event that caused your complaint happened
  • Where possible, what action you would like us to take


You should try to complain as soon as possible, usually within six months of you becoming aware that you have a cause for complaint and normally no longer than twelve months after the event.

If you are unhappy with something, you can speak to any of our staff who are dealing with your treatment or care and they will try to resolve your concerns straight away.  If they cant, they will tell you what to do next.

Our practice manager is responsible for managing complaints.  Complaints should be made to Angela Kirker or Dr Allen at the surgery.  Alternatively, you may ask for an appointment with Angela Kirker or Dr Allenn in order to discuss your concerns, they will explain the complaint procedure to you and will ensure that your concerns are dealt with promptly. 


What we shall do


We shall acknowledge your complaint, normally within three working days, and aim to have looked into your complaint within ten working days of the date when you raised it with us.  We shall then be in a position to offer you an explanation, or a meeting with those involved.  In investigating your complaint, we shall aim to;


  • Find out what happened and what went wrong
  • Enable you to discuss the problem with those concerned, if you would like this
  • Ensure you receive an apology, where this is appropriate, and
  • Identify what we can do to make sure the problem does not happen again


Complaining on behalf of some one else


Please note that we keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentially.  If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we have to know that you have his or her permission.  A note signed by the person concerned and witnessed by the patient will be needed.  If this is not possible the complaint should be brought by the next of kin.


Help with Making the Complaint


Our practice manager can provide you with more information on how to make a complaint.  Alternatively, the patient council can provide free and confidential advice, information and help in making a complaint.  This might include help with writing letters, making telephone calls and supporting you at any meetings you might need to attend.  You can get more information on the services provided by the patient council at or by telephoning free phone 0800 917 0222


What to do if you’re still not happy?


If you are not happy with our response to your complaint, you can contact us again and we will do our best to resolve your concerns.  If you remain unhappy, you can refer your complaint to the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints (the Ombudsman).  The Ombudsman will consider your complaint to determine whether it warrants investigation by him.  Further information on the services provided by the Ombudsman is available by contacting:


                                 The Ombudsman

                                 Freepost BEL 1478


                                 BT1 6BR


                                 Free phone   0800 343424





Record keeping


Complaints received by the practice are stored separately from patient’s clinical records