You have the right to:
- Be registered with a GP regardless of nationality, race, sex, colour or creed
- Change Doctor easily and quickly
- Be treated with courtesy and respect
- Be offered a health check on joining the Practice and receive emergency care at any time through a GP
- Receive health care on the basis of clinical need regardless of ability to pay
- Be given a clear explanation of any treatment proposed
- Have appropriate drugs and medicines prescribed
- Have access to your medical records, subject to any limitations in the law and know that those working for the NHS are under legal duty to keep the contents confidential
- Choose whether or not to take part in medical research or medical student training
- Request a yearly health check if you are 75 years or over
- Receive a full and prompt reply to any complaints about the services provided by the Practice
As a patient of this Practice we expect you to:
- Treat the Doctors & Practice staff with courtesy & respect
- Be punctual for appointments
- Give the Practice as much notice as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment
- Make more than one appointment if more than one person needs to be seen
- Be prepared to make further appointments if you a number of problems you wish to discuss.
- Be patient if appointment times are running late—please remember it may be you who need extra time on another occasion
- Ask for a home visit only if illness prevents you attending the Surgery—children can usually be brought safely to the Surgery
- Be prepared to see any GP in the Practice
- Plan ahead when ordering repeat prescriptions
- Carefully follow the treatment prescribed by your Doctor
- If you wish to make constructive comments, suggestions or a complaint please contact the Practice Manager by asking the Receptionist for a comments /complaints form